NZ Cleantech Week with Nanogirl
NZ Cleantech Week with Nanogirl
Little did we know, our adventure would exceed all expectations.

New Zealand Science Forging Global Cleantech Solutions

Chazidy and I had the incredible opportunity to attend Tech Week, New Zealand Science Forging Global Cleantech Solutions and explore Parliament in Wellington alongside the renowned Nanogirl herself, Dr Michelle Dickinson. 

Little did we know, our adventure would exceed all expectations. Ideas were debated, and decisions to shape New Zealand’s future. Amazing presentations and workshops were showcased, which caught our interest, also educating us. Inspiring and impressive speakers were sharing their insights on their contribution to the environment and how they offer help. The expectations of looking into this world of politics and technology with Nanogirl by our side filled us with wonder and excitement. Nanogirl's insights and eagerness added an additional layer of excitement as she presented to scientists and politicians on Clean Energy to think about science for the future, this sparking the live audience, as well as fueling our interest. 

An unexpected surprise, we found ourselves being carried away to the Air New Zealand VIP Lounge. Surrounded by lavish furnishings and amazing views of the city skyline, we couldn't help but feel like VIPs ourselves. 

As the day drew to a close, we couldn't help but marvel at the serendipity of it all. What began as a simple trip to explore tech innovation had turned into a once-in-a-lifetime experience, filled with inspiration, recognition, and memorable memories. We carried with us not only the memories of our adventure but also a newfound appreciation for the intersection of technology, innovation, and governance.

Mele Latu'ila
Year 13

Nanogirl's facebook - NZ Global Cleantech Solutions Event

This article was originally posted on: June, 17th 2024